Thursday, December 15, 2005

SBQ - Blog Habits

This week's question comes from AngelSan:

Take a minute to reflect on your blog reading habits and preferences. What do you prefer to read in stitching blogs? (Progress, tips, family life, experiences, etc.) How much do you think you are influenced by other stitching bloggers?

The vast majority of the blogs that I read regularly are stitching blogs. There are a lot of them out there, so time often becomes an issue. Because of this, I prefer to read mostly progress and tips. However, I do enjoy a bit of life experiences thrown in, in order to know a bit more about the people whose blogs I visit often.

I am influenced by other stitching bloggers quite a bit. Sometimes I find new-to-me designers and other times I 'rediscover' something that I have had sitting in my stash for years. There are also occassions where a design that was unappealing to me on a pattern suddenly moves onto my "must stitch" list after I've seen it stitched on the internet.

Recently, the biggest influence for me has been in the area of finishing techniques. Many of my finished projects end up in a drawer for years before I get around to doing anything with them, whether it's framing or other finishing. But after seeing some of the creative finishing techniques and wonderful instructions out there, I have begun pulling out some of my finishing pieces and finally doing something with them.

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