Wednesday, April 16, 2008

FUFOs and Gardening

Spring has definitely "sprung" here. The daffodils have mostly faded, except for a few strays. Our poor little gnome is looking a bit beaten. The oddly-painted concrete yard art isn't really my thing, but my mom had a few of them, so they sort of came with the house. I guess I'll need to touch-up some of the paint this year, before they look any worse.

I did a bit of planting this morning, starting with this "Bag o' Blooms" kit that I picked up at Wal-Mart a while back. I'm not sure it's going to work... the plants in the kit looked pretty sickly. But, I just had to know. It will be a fun experiment, if nothing else.

Experiment #2 for today was rhubarb. I remember my dad growing it when I was a kid, and I don't think it was particularly difficult or demanding. I got a pair of roots and we've planted them behind the garage. The next task will be finding or making space for tomato and pepper plants. I went a little overboard in my seed starting. I didn't really expect them to grow so successfully, so I planted lots of them. We currently have 72 tomato plants (4 varieties), and around 100 assorted peppers, both sweet & hot. There's no way that we'll have the time or energy to make space for all of these plants. And if we did, we'd have to open a farm stand at the end of the driveway. LOL

The weed patch is slowly starting to look more like a garden. It has suffered so badly from neglect over the last several years that it is going to take a LOT of work to get it back into shape. This year's garden is mostly experimental, more learning experience than actual garden. We're feeling pretty successful even now, just for having cleared some of it off and setting a few tiny plants in.

Stitching has been practically non-existent this week... too much other stuff to do. I did manage to hemstitch a couple of needlerolls, which I assembled this morning. Two less projects in the FUFO pile. YAY!!!


Sharon said...

Your needlerolls are lovely!

Gina E. said...

I LOVE these little creations! I knew a girl who was always making them, either for herself or for online swaps, and she had a basket in her sewing room, with a dozen or so needlerolls in it on display - so pretty! I keep promising myself I'll do one, and I've got all the instructions, but other things keep getting in the way...

Jenna said...

I know what you mean about overdoing the seed starting. I tried to avoid that this year, though I still have far more tomato plants and green onions that I'll need. Too bad the sweet onions didn't germinate well (only a 33% success rate). Love, love, love your needlerolls, especially the one with hardanger on it. But then, I'm a sucker for hardanger and the color purple. Who is the designer?