Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Friday, May 18, 2012
I've Moved!
For assorted reasons, I've decided to change things up a bit with my blog. Recreating things here felt too much like forcing the square peg into the round hole, so I'm starting over. I do hope you will join me in my new cyber-home!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Two Days, Two Finishes
This summer is turning out to be very hectic, particularly July. Two family reunions and a wedding have combined to eat up every weekend of the month. In between, I've been spending countless hours outside working on various gardening chores. Gardening is one of those things that always starts well in the spring, but I quickly lose motivation to keep up with it when the temperature starts to rise. Seriously, it's about a million degrees outside now, and I really have to force myself to get out there. Afterward, I'm hot, miserable, and sore all over... not exactly prime time to be sewing.
I figured that an easy knit top would be a good thing to work on. I decided to try a different view of M6326. Not too many pieces, and nearly instant gratification, right? That's how it was last time, when I made view D, but not this time. No... this time, I promptly sewed the upper back to the *bottom* of the upper front. Naturally, I was using the tiny zig-zag stitch for knits on my machine, which is extremely difficult to rip out.
Lesson: Do NOT try to sew anything when you are tired and everything hurts from gardening.
After some serious un-sewing, things got back on track pretty quickly. I was making View C, the one with the twist top. The only problem with the pattern as designed is the keyhole opening below the twist-- it's WAY too low as designed. I sewed it up a bit, but went too far and now you can't really see the opening when it's worn. The fabric probably looks familiar. That is because it's left over from the dress that I recently finished.

I finished this yesterday, and promptly wore it out to run some errands. It's a cute top, but it doesn't wear nearly as well as view D. The twist top isn't very comfortable in really hot weather, and the back rides down just a bit, which is a problem if you're wearing a strapless bra with it (I was). I had already taken the top in quite a bit before wearing it, but it still slides a bit.
Today's finish was McCall's 5391, the shorts that I started a week or so ago. I wasn't able to finish them because I ran out of thread for the topstitching. I finally remembered to pick some up, and it didn't take long to finish these. They were supposed to be View B, the cuffed version with the tabs, but I cut them off too short before hemming and decided not to cuff them.

This is a lousy picture, but I can't get the stupid remote to work on my camera, and I was too lazy to try to put shorts on Wilma. So, there they are... flat on the cutting table. At any rate, I really like the shorts. I'm not crazy about the fabric (left over from last year's pants), but these were really intended as a wearable muslin. I wasn't too eager to buy fabric for shorts until I was sure I had a pattern that worked for me.
I liked this pattern much better than the previous one I used (McCall's 5857). The waist band sits lower, but not too low. The fit of this pair is much closer to my favorite RTW shorts-- a pair from Lord & Taylor that I bought out of desperation because I couldn't find any shorts to fit me and I hadn't yet found a shorts pattern that worked for me. Now that I've tried this pattern, I'll definitely be making more of these.
I figured that an easy knit top would be a good thing to work on. I decided to try a different view of M6326. Not too many pieces, and nearly instant gratification, right? That's how it was last time, when I made view D, but not this time. No... this time, I promptly sewed the upper back to the *bottom* of the upper front. Naturally, I was using the tiny zig-zag stitch for knits on my machine, which is extremely difficult to rip out.
Lesson: Do NOT try to sew anything when you are tired and everything hurts from gardening.
After some serious un-sewing, things got back on track pretty quickly. I was making View C, the one with the twist top. The only problem with the pattern as designed is the keyhole opening below the twist-- it's WAY too low as designed. I sewed it up a bit, but went too far and now you can't really see the opening when it's worn. The fabric probably looks familiar. That is because it's left over from the dress that I recently finished.

I finished this yesterday, and promptly wore it out to run some errands. It's a cute top, but it doesn't wear nearly as well as view D. The twist top isn't very comfortable in really hot weather, and the back rides down just a bit, which is a problem if you're wearing a strapless bra with it (I was). I had already taken the top in quite a bit before wearing it, but it still slides a bit.
Today's finish was McCall's 5391, the shorts that I started a week or so ago. I wasn't able to finish them because I ran out of thread for the topstitching. I finally remembered to pick some up, and it didn't take long to finish these. They were supposed to be View B, the cuffed version with the tabs, but I cut them off too short before hemming and decided not to cuff them.

This is a lousy picture, but I can't get the stupid remote to work on my camera, and I was too lazy to try to put shorts on Wilma. So, there they are... flat on the cutting table. At any rate, I really like the shorts. I'm not crazy about the fabric (left over from last year's pants), but these were really intended as a wearable muslin. I wasn't too eager to buy fabric for shorts until I was sure I had a pattern that worked for me.
I liked this pattern much better than the previous one I used (McCall's 5857). The waist band sits lower, but not too low. The fit of this pair is much closer to my favorite RTW shorts-- a pair from Lord & Taylor that I bought out of desperation because I couldn't find any shorts to fit me and I hadn't yet found a shorts pattern that worked for me. Now that I've tried this pattern, I'll definitely be making more of these.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Finally Finished
I don't know what it is about hemming/finishing that I dislike so badly, but it seems like I'll do nearly anything to avoid it. Take New Look 6429, for example. I'm not going to tell you exactly how long it hung in my sewing room waiting for the finishing touches. Let's just say it has been there for a while. The worst part is that it's sleeveless and required a narrow hem around the armscye. I probably should have just put sleeves on this dress. I would have been able to wear it sooner. Oh, well. It's done now.

The pattern is New Look 6429. I selected it for the princess seams and interesting back detailing. I didn't take a photo, but the back bodice goes down into a little "v" shape where it joins the skirt. The princess seaming provides wonderful shaping and the pattern is very well drafted, making it exceptionally easy to put together.
The only trouble I had with this dress (other than my own procrastination), was the facings. They don't want to lay properly. I'm sure the problem is with the fabric & interfacing that I used, and not the pattern. I doubt anyone other than me will notice, but the neckline wants to roll outward just a bit.
My latest pair of shorts are nearly finished, but I've run out of thread for topstitching. They're meant as a wearable muslin. So far, they seem to be turning out pretty well. The fit is nice and, most importantly, the waistline isn't too high. I'll probably pick up some more suitable fabric for another pair soon.

The pattern is New Look 6429. I selected it for the princess seams and interesting back detailing. I didn't take a photo, but the back bodice goes down into a little "v" shape where it joins the skirt. The princess seaming provides wonderful shaping and the pattern is very well drafted, making it exceptionally easy to put together.
The only trouble I had with this dress (other than my own procrastination), was the facings. They don't want to lay properly. I'm sure the problem is with the fabric & interfacing that I used, and not the pattern. I doubt anyone other than me will notice, but the neckline wants to roll outward just a bit.
My latest pair of shorts are nearly finished, but I've run out of thread for topstitching. They're meant as a wearable muslin. So far, they seem to be turning out pretty well. The fit is nice and, most importantly, the waistline isn't too high. I'll probably pick up some more suitable fabric for another pair soon.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
New Projects, Old Projects
Nearly two years ago, I took a sock knitting class at a local yarn shop. I loved it, and a new addiction was born. I learned to knit as a kid but was never really "into" it... until I found socks. That first pair was pretty plain, knitted using a very forgiving sport weight sock yarn and size 4 or 5 needles.
The ultra-boring 2 x 2 rib pattern and larger size needles kept things simple so that we could learn the basic principles of sock knitting. And learn them I did! :) The moment that first pair was finished, I immediately purchased more yarn, plus a couple of basic sock-knitting books. More yarn came home, and soon my laptop had multiple folders devoted to sock patterns that I had collected online. When I'm not sewing, or stitching, or gardening, or weaving baskets, or any of the other thousand things that I love to do, I'm knitting socks. But like so many things, I usually forget to take pictures. So, here are just a few that I've made in the last year...

A few days ago, I visited the local yarn shop to look for some of my favorite sock yarn (Bamboobaa, if you're wondering). I picked up these lovelies and, of course, promptly started knitting yet another pair of socks.

On the sewing front, I'm working on a new pair of shorts from McCall's 5391. I picked up the pattern during one of the recent pattern sales at Joann. It's similar to the last pair I made (McCall's 5857), but the waist isn't so high and I was able to purchase the pattern in the correct size. So far, these seem to be working better than the other pattern. The fabric is left over from a pair of pants that I made last year. It's not the fabric I would choose, but it was good for a first run of this pattern.

Some good news about that last pair of shorts I made-- they're not as bad as I first thought. They aren't good... the waist is way too high and gives a definite "mom jeans" vibe... but they work well with some of my summer tops that aren't worn tucked in. The great news is that they are really comfortable to wear. So, I guess they weren't a tragic fail after all. I still won't be making that pattern again, though.
The ultra-boring 2 x 2 rib pattern and larger size needles kept things simple so that we could learn the basic principles of sock knitting. And learn them I did! :) The moment that first pair was finished, I immediately purchased more yarn, plus a couple of basic sock-knitting books. More yarn came home, and soon my laptop had multiple folders devoted to sock patterns that I had collected online. When I'm not sewing, or stitching, or gardening, or weaving baskets, or any of the other thousand things that I love to do, I'm knitting socks. But like so many things, I usually forget to take pictures. So, here are just a few that I've made in the last year...

A few days ago, I visited the local yarn shop to look for some of my favorite sock yarn (Bamboobaa, if you're wondering). I picked up these lovelies and, of course, promptly started knitting yet another pair of socks.

On the sewing front, I'm working on a new pair of shorts from McCall's 5391. I picked up the pattern during one of the recent pattern sales at Joann. It's similar to the last pair I made (McCall's 5857), but the waist isn't so high and I was able to purchase the pattern in the correct size. So far, these seem to be working better than the other pattern. The fabric is left over from a pair of pants that I made last year. It's not the fabric I would choose, but it was good for a first run of this pattern.

Some good news about that last pair of shorts I made-- they're not as bad as I first thought. They aren't good... the waist is way too high and gives a definite "mom jeans" vibe... but they work well with some of my summer tops that aren't worn tucked in. The great news is that they are really comfortable to wear. So, I guess they weren't a tragic fail after all. I still won't be making that pattern again, though.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Catching up...
Once again, I've been remiss in updating my blog. I have good intentions. Really, I do... but alas, I suffer from really poor follow-through. Again, my excuse is pictures and the fact that I can't seem to get the remote for my camera to work. Because I'm too lazy to figure out what's wrong, or just take the pictures using the timer, I've decided to renew Wilma's modelling contract. These clothes... the ones that turned out, anyway... look much better on a real person than they do on Wilma, but it's the best I can do at the moment.
First up, Butterick 4789, the Maggie London twist top dress that so many have sewn. When I brought home this fabric (from the "red tag" section at Joann's), BF informed me that it looked like the seat cover for a 1975 Chevy Nova. But even he grudgingly admits that he likes this dress. The fit is just perfect, particularly at the neckline, and it has fisheye darts in the back for shaping. All in all, very flattering!

Next we have McCall's 6326. I can't tell you how much I love this top. It's sooooo comfortable and easy to wear, and so much nicer than a t-shirt. If it wasn't such a distinctive style, I'd probably make a bunch of these. As it is, I plan to try one of the other views. I even have the fabric picked out. Unfortunately, what I *don't* have is the pattern. Somehow, I have misplaced it. I'm sure it will turn up again... these things always do. I just hope it's still summer when it happens. I'd hate to have to wear one of these with a winter coat. LOL

Last, and most certainly LEAST, is Vogue 8032. I love the design. Unfortunately, the finished top leaves much to be desired. The armscye on this is drafted so low that it was practically at my knees. Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. I tried a couple of different fixes, none of which fixed it enough to make it wearable. Someone on PatternReview had an excellent idea about adding contrast fabric to raise the armscye and treat it as a design feature. I just might try that... but probably not soon. Another member suggessted wearing it under a jacket, also a good idea and will probably save this from the trash bin in the end. I love the fabric, so finding some way to wear this would be nice.

And in case you're wondering how bad the armscye still looks after my attempts to fix it...

First up, Butterick 4789, the Maggie London twist top dress that so many have sewn. When I brought home this fabric (from the "red tag" section at Joann's), BF informed me that it looked like the seat cover for a 1975 Chevy Nova. But even he grudgingly admits that he likes this dress. The fit is just perfect, particularly at the neckline, and it has fisheye darts in the back for shaping. All in all, very flattering!

Next we have McCall's 6326. I can't tell you how much I love this top. It's sooooo comfortable and easy to wear, and so much nicer than a t-shirt. If it wasn't such a distinctive style, I'd probably make a bunch of these. As it is, I plan to try one of the other views. I even have the fabric picked out. Unfortunately, what I *don't* have is the pattern. Somehow, I have misplaced it. I'm sure it will turn up again... these things always do. I just hope it's still summer when it happens. I'd hate to have to wear one of these with a winter coat. LOL

Last, and most certainly LEAST, is Vogue 8032. I love the design. Unfortunately, the finished top leaves much to be desired. The armscye on this is drafted so low that it was practically at my knees. Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. I tried a couple of different fixes, none of which fixed it enough to make it wearable. Someone on PatternReview had an excellent idea about adding contrast fabric to raise the armscye and treat it as a design feature. I just might try that... but probably not soon. Another member suggessted wearing it under a jacket, also a good idea and will probably save this from the trash bin in the end. I love the fabric, so finding some way to wear this would be nice.

And in case you're wondering how bad the armscye still looks after my attempts to fix it...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Better than expected
There has been more sewing than blog posting lately. Mostly, that is because I'm soooo lazy about taking pictures, and the remote for my camera isn't working as it should, meaning that if I'm going to get any photos, I need to find someone else to take them. I hate to bother BF with it, so until the cats learn to use a camera, we'll just have to settle for Wilma as model.
One as yet unposted finish is Simplicity 2936, a button-front top with raglan sleeves. This pattern has languished in my stash for AGES because, well... the photos are decidedly unappealing. So bad, in fact, that every time I pulled this pattern out I couldn't begin to figure out why I had purchased it. The photo gives it a decidedly "home made" look that made me think more of a craft project than a custom-created garment. Really not my style at all, and something that I'm afraid of accidentally creating. Those of you who sew can probably relate to this. LOL

After giving the technical drawings a closer look, I decided to give the pattern a chance. It had nice shaping, courtesy of tucks in the front and back, and the raglan sleeves are great. I went with the non-collared view and decided against adding trim (though I did purchase some and may add it later).
Everything went together perfectly, and the tucks provided an opportunity to get a perfect fit through the waist. I loved the results and will probably make this again soon, in white. My ONLY complaint is the fabric that I chose. I used a cotton sateen. It would have been great for a different top, just not this one. It wrinkles badly in the wash, and the sleeves of this top are very difficult to iron properly. I've also had a hard time getting the neckline ironed just right. It was great when I first completed the top, but since washing.... well... just take a look at the photo, and you'll see what I mean.

Other than the issues with ironing, I was pleasantly surprised by this top. The full review is here.
One as yet unposted finish is Simplicity 2936, a button-front top with raglan sleeves. This pattern has languished in my stash for AGES because, well... the photos are decidedly unappealing. So bad, in fact, that every time I pulled this pattern out I couldn't begin to figure out why I had purchased it. The photo gives it a decidedly "home made" look that made me think more of a craft project than a custom-created garment. Really not my style at all, and something that I'm afraid of accidentally creating. Those of you who sew can probably relate to this. LOL

After giving the technical drawings a closer look, I decided to give the pattern a chance. It had nice shaping, courtesy of tucks in the front and back, and the raglan sleeves are great. I went with the non-collared view and decided against adding trim (though I did purchase some and may add it later).
Everything went together perfectly, and the tucks provided an opportunity to get a perfect fit through the waist. I loved the results and will probably make this again soon, in white. My ONLY complaint is the fabric that I chose. I used a cotton sateen. It would have been great for a different top, just not this one. It wrinkles badly in the wash, and the sleeves of this top are very difficult to iron properly. I've also had a hard time getting the neckline ironed just right. It was great when I first completed the top, but since washing.... well... just take a look at the photo, and you'll see what I mean.

Other than the issues with ironing, I was pleasantly surprised by this top. The full review is here.
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