Monday, August 16, 2010

M5586 Revisited

Yes, yes... I just completed View A of this top last week. But as I mentioned in the previous post, my original attempt at sewing this pattern was View B. Thanks to my handy-dandy new ruffler, I was finally able to finish this thing. Excuse the very poor photo-- I was (once again) too lazy to do it properly. I really do need to work on getting some better pictures, but I am too busy sewing/knitting/stitching/weaving baskets/etc., so this will have to do for now.

This fabric wasn't really suitable for the v-neck version. It just didn't want to gather properly in the front. Using the ruffler fixed that, but if I had done it by basting and gathering, it would never have been finished. I'm amazed that I didn't simply throw it out, but I'm SO glad I let it hang around.

As always, it looks much better on me than on the hanger.

I've also completed S2369... details on that later. Oh, and I started knitting a new pair of socks, just for fun.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Your shirt turned out great! I love that green.

I didn't know there was such a thing as a "ruffler foot." But my sewing ability is far from being able to complete something like this. You did a great job!