I'm still working on PIG and the LHN series, but I have gotten somewhat sidetracked from my stitching recently. You see, I am trying to get a bit of a business started. Really, it's just an extension of my hobbies, but I'm planning to sell, so I guess that makes it a business. LOL I'm working on soaps and jewelry at the moment, but I reserve the right to change my mind later. ;)
Lately the focus is soap, as I try to come up with just the right recipe. I'm already pretty close! Next will come scents. Any suggestions?
My first batch turned out quite nicely. It's honeysuckle scented. No color was added, because I wanted to see what the 'natural' color would be. I rather like it! I'm doing very small batches, until I get it just right. This one made 12 bars-- three of each one shown here.